Regional Water Authority

I wanted to write to tell you how much I appreciated the great customer service you had provided to the South Central Connecticut Regional Water Authority in developing and implementing our company website.

As someone who doesn’t understand a lot about the inner-workings of websites, your team has made all the difference in guiding me through the development and now maintenance of our website. I’ve never been afraid to ask a question out of fear I’ll be laughed at for not knowing some of the basics. Response time to questions and issues has been very fast, if only to tell me that the staff is working on it.

Customers appreciate the ease of navigation on the website, and our customer service representatives do, too! They use the site to look up the answers to some of the questions they are asked.

Thanks to everyone at Multimedia for your patience, creativity, and great customer service. 

Kate S. Powell
Communications & Outreach Manager
Regional Water Authority